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Data samples

Satellogic sample data

Users can find sample data for all the product formats described on this site for the following captures for MarkV satellites in a public S3 bucket.

  • Amazon Resource Name (ARN): arn:aws:s3:::satellogic-sample-data
  • AWS Region: eu-west-1

Inside, samples are organized by Location, then by capture and lastly by imagery product (L0, L1A, L1B, L1C, L1D, L1D_SR).




satl:outcome_id Platform Date Cloud cover
Off Nadir
18f16f7a-35c2-45ac-a7ec-d133df3b12b0 newsat43 2024-05-15 06:33:45 0.41 16.0
d0e122b9-5090-48b6-ad6f-fd5d4ff1a6d9 newsat41 2024-06-11 06:22:53 0.80 14.2
294d9131-3923-4751-b910-2e0f19d4dd67 newsat26 2024-06-09 03:54:01 0.37 13.9
0392e349-af81-4b9f-90ca-283070dc4dbb newsat43 2024-06-01 06:40:39 7.78 13.7

New York City


satl:outcome_id Platform Date Cloud cover
Off Nadir
813ada9d-f2ae-4106-8704-1538aa32f3b1 newsat43 2024-03-21 18:55:42 3.17 16.8
dc91aea8-bb41-41a0-95b1-2e2974495aab newsat26 2024-03-29 16:23:39 0.93 16.1
a906b175-1280-422e-864b-57809fbafae8 newsat41 2024-06-16 18:39:41 0.54 9.31

Pima Boneyard


satl:outcome_id Platform Date Cloud cover
Off Nadir
0745ee8f-f307-41c7-94f7-ed1602edcc34 newsat43 2024-05-31 21:18:25 0.22 14.0
6e2feebe-4795-4e5f-a5ce-c562578d2ec4 newsat43 2024-06-11 21:03:20 0.28 10.9
f66324c6-844a-42a4-b627-315d4def61b8 newsat26 2024-05-25 18:34:06 0.11 5.0
0a9cb67d-1c04-49d6-9c06-e15df50b8002 newsat41 2024-06-14 21:02:03 0.09 7.52
2e7b17c3-c6cf-4237-9e98-93ce26725527 newsat41 2024-06-18 21:05:10 0.07 3.52

Sierra Army depot


satl:outcome_id Platform Date Cloud cover
Off Nadir
2f5af1d6-6d65-4591-8a26-a29e0ff2d6e0 newsat43 2024-05-26 21:59:17 0.94 13.8
da79feb6-f759-4036-9e07-fad53bce579a newsat26 2024-05-27 19:10:56 0.43 13.6
7b81da67-59e5-4e83-9bcd-9d0b6ccafc53 newsat43 2024-06-09 21:55:00 1.71 13.4
a0621714-affb-4767-bc42-fd743c238c04 newsat26 2024-06-06 19:23:35 9.05 3.4
6ef23708-c787-4d89-8b2a-d4278c250e09 newsat41 2024-05-30 21:55:02 0.17 7.19



satl:outcome_id Platform Date Cloud cover
Off Nadir
5b6b4248-db64-43bf-bf3a-1a9fa60357cf newsat26 2024-06-10 00:38:26 0.16 9.8
39c9029e-f251-46ee-a373-fab71f5fa885 newsat43 2024-06-10 02:57:37 15.04 8.7
81b495ff-1b2a-49a0-bb08-204ac31ae732 newsat43 2024-05-27 03:01:47 0.41 2.0

Example usage


The easyiest way is to use the AWS CLI and a terminal. To install it, please follow [this instructions](this instructions

In order to use it, an AWS/S3 account is not requiered. If an account is not configured, make sure to use the --no-sign-request to the cli calls in order to skip it.

To list the content of the bucket

$ aws s3 ls s3://satellogic-sample-data/ --no-sign-request
    PRE Baotou/
    PRE New_York_City/
    PRE Pima_Boneyard/
    PRE Sierra_Army_depot/
    PRE Sydney/

To copy all the formats for a particular capture

$ aws s3 cp s3://satellogic-sample-data/Baotou/18f16f7a-35c2-45ac-a7ec-d133df3b12b0/ . --recursive --no-sign-request

To copy only the ortho superresolved data (L1D_SR)

$ aws s3 cp s3://satellogic-sample-data/Baotou/18f16f7a-35c2-45ac-a7ec-d133df3b12b0/ . --recursive --no-sign-request --exclude "*" --include "*L1D-SR*"


The samples can be used directly in ArcGIS as Cloud Store data source that allows to browse and visualize the data on the fly, without having to download anything. The following screen recording shows an example of how to do it.

Screen cast


The files downloaded are intended as samples to permit an evaluation of Satellogic data, quality, formats and general fitness for purpose for the evaluator's contemplated use(s). By downloading the sample data you are granted limited rights exclusively and solely for the evaluation, as defined above, and no other rights. You further are not permitted to publish, disclose, or otherwise communicate the results of your evaluation to any other party. Should you not agree to the rights above, you agree to immediately delete all downloaded data in its entirety.

Last update: 2024-11-13